
They say it takes a village to raise a child, and Baby Steps is no different.

To remember we are not meant to do this alone, Baby Steps relies on so many others to participate in our mission and work.

Community Volunteer

  • Baby Steps’ Baby Boutique is available on-site for our Student-Moms to shop for all things baby related - at no cost to them!

    If you have new or gently used baby items you would like to donate, please email auburn@babysteps.org. Because we have limited storage space, we ask that you include a picture of larger items you wish to donate. If you would like to purchase items we have specifically chosen, visit our Amazon Wishlist!

  • Y’ALL. Have you ever wanted to love on Student-Moms through food but felt overwhelmed by providing an entire meal for the whole group? With this new platform, you can now split meals with friends by signing up for something as small as a side dish! And it’s not limited to just Community or House Dinners. You can sign up to bring things like holiday candy for enrichment events! Who’s in?! Click here to see what dates are currently available!

  • Calling all babysitters! As a childcare volunteer you will attend an evening event of your choice during the week (typically from 5pm - 7pm) to spend time with our Tiny Tigers while our Student-Moms eat, engage, and interact with their community.

    *An application, background check, + additional training are required for this position.

  • Were you affected by an unplanned pregnancy in college?

    We would be honored to have you share your experience so others can be encouraged and empowered by knowing they are not alone.

    Email national@babysteps.org to find out more!

  • From basic prerequisites to advanced professional classes, our Student-Moms are in need of a little extra support from time to time. If you are exceptionally knowledgeable about a certain subject, this volunteer role is for you!

    We ask for at least an hour of availability/week when a Student-Mom​ is in need. Once you complete an application, we will contact you when a need arises.

    *An application + background check are required for this position.

  • If you are skilled in any area of handiwork from hanging curtains to small paint jobs, we are always looking for people to freshen up our home and its ever changing needs.

    *An application is required for this position.

  • Are you a seasoned professional in your field and would like to invest in the next generation? We would love for you to share your wisdom and experience with Student-Moms who have similar career aspirations to give them vision and excitement for their futures.

    *An application, background check, + additional training are required for this position.

  • ​If you have expertise in a specific area or a fun skill that could benefit our Student-Moms, we'd love for you to be a “Guest Speaker” at a Community Dinner. From time management to floral arrangement, there is an opportunity for everyone!

    ​*An application is required for this position.

  • Are you a part of a small group/community that desires to serve alongside one another? While we currently do not have any group volunteering projects, we would love to have you on our list for when a need arises. Email auburn@babysteps.org, and tell us about your group’s desires and abilities!

    In the meantime, visit our Amazon Wishlist, and consider purchasing a gift as a group!

Student Volunteer

  • Are you a student at Auburn University looking for ways to get plugged in? Baby Steps’ on-campus organization is filled with students who serve our Student-Moms and their Tiny Tigers in many ways! Check out our club on AUinvolve for more information.

  • An internship is one of the most valuable experiences you can have during your time in college.

    As a Baby Steps intern, you will be exposed to various aspects of the nonprofit. Through hands-on experience, you will be given opportunities to integrate theory with practice. The Baby Steps team will walk alongside you as you gain experience, develop professional relationships, and clarify career goals.

    Apply here.